Kate Gleeson
Fire Safety Officer Visits 2nd and 3rd Class
Fire Safety Officier Visits 2nd and 3rd Class
Michael McNicholas, a fire officer from Kiltimagh Fire Station came to our school to give a talk on fire safety in the home. Second and third class found the talk very interesting and educational. Each child in the class received a fire safety folder with lots of information on ways to prevent fires in their homes.
WOW – Walk on Wednesday
The children of Knock NS took part in the WOW event today, Walk On Wednesday. Children were encouraged to walk or partly walk to school today.
Second Class Receive Their First Holy Communion Certificates
First Holy Communion Artwork & Certificates
The children in second class received their First Holy Communion Certificates. They also display their Holy Communion artwork,
Grandparents Assembly
Knock NS welcomed grandparents from the area to the school for a special grandparents prayer assembly on Wednesday 2nd Februray 2017.