Please see below for copy of letter sent out from the Parents’ Association, regarding our next fundraising initiative:
Knock National School Parents Association
Dear Parents,
We are organising a Christmas Fair & Sale of Work, to take place on
Sunday December 1st in St. John’s Rest and Care, Knock in order to raise much needed funds for our school. We are hoping to get some nostalgia going by emulating the annual “Sale of Work” that used to take place in Knock whilst also getting into the Christmas spirit. It promises to be a really fun and festive day with heaps of goods for sale, carol singing, a lucky dip, a wheel of fortune, face painting and Santa arriving in style with a present for each child! We will also have a Christmas cafe selling tea, coffee and hot chocolate.
We are inviting crafters to show and sell their seasonal products and Christmas gift ideas along with private sellers offering previously loved items for sale, tables will be E20.
You as parents have many opportunities to take part in this event. You can hire a table and sell your own quality, unwanted wares. Once you hire the table, what you make on the day is yours to keep. We would like to ask you to donate mince pies or christmas cakes (baked or bought!) so we can sell them on behalf of the school. We hope to have one or two “school tables” with the profits of anything sold on these tables going directly to the school. So if any parents have an item or two that they would like to donate, we would be delighted to include it here. Even better, if you have a big quality item that you would like to get rid of and would be happy to donate it to the school, we could auction it on the day!
We are also looking for parents to help on the day serving tea and coffee and to sell from the school tables so please let one of the committee members know if you are available.
Finally, if you know of any local crafters that may be interested in selling their products please pass on our contact details.
We look forward to a really successful day on December 1st and your support is greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Nikki Murray (087-9017183), Rachael Salmon (087-2323047) Julie Eduwaye, Micheal Joyce, Nicola Carty, Peter Mc Loughlin, Joe Neylon, Gráinne Kelly-Frayne.