Mayo Sports Partnership along with Davitt College Transition Year Students & Castlebar Sports Forum are pleased to announce the 3rd Annual ‘Mayo Sports Partnership Mini Mini’ Fun Run for Primary School Children. The Mini Mini takes place on Sunday May 1st (Bank Holiday Weekend), 2016 and is run in conjunction with their flagship event the ‘Western People West of Ireland Women’s Mini Marathon.
Suitable for boys and girls of all ability ‘Kids run for fun’ is the theme. The ‘Mini Mini’ will take place at 12.10pm directly after the start of the Women’s Mini Marathon. This year a special Centenary Commemoration challenge is being set down; for children to run 1916 meters (1.9km).
Further information can be found on the following links:
2016 letter to Primary Schools
Kids Mini Mini Fun Run appl form
Registration Form For Mini Mini Marathon 2016mini mini poster 2016