Your child will receive their end of year report card this afternoon. It will provide you with information regarding your child’s progress over the course of the past academic year. It will also contain your child’s STen score from their standardised tests in Literacy and Numeracy.
We use the Drumcondra Primary Reading Test for Literacy. This test has recently been revised in order to reflect current norms. The new tests were piloted in early 2017, and were standardised on a national sample of pupils in early 2018.
Please click on the links below to:
1. Access an information letter, from the Educational Research Centre (ERC), with regard to interpreting the results of the new test in comparison to the older Drumcondra Test.
New Drumcondra Primary Tests: Information note for Parents and Guardians
2. Access an information letter, from the NCCA, with regard to your child and standardised testing