Welcome back to our second term! We have a very busy term ahead, with many activities planned. Listed below are just some of the main events coming up:
- Cycling – commences tomorrow (Weds 9th January) and continues for the next 3 Wednesdays, for children from 2nd to 6th classes who wish to attend. The cost is €9 per child for the 3 lessons. All those who wish to take part must bring their own bike and helmet.
- Music in the Classroom – Monday 14th January at the Royal Theatre, Castlebar
- Mid Term Break – Thurs & Fri 14th & 15th February
- Confirmation – Thursday 21st February at 1pm
- First Confessions – Wednesday 6th March at 7.30pm
- Easter Holidays – We close for the Easter holidays on Friday 22nd March and return on Monday 8th April.
We will be having one major fundraising event this term. The Board of Management have organised a showing of the highly acclaimed Tommy Marren play It’s The Real McCoy, in the Kiltimagh Townhall Theatre on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th February. Tickets are €18 each and are available from Knock NS, Knock Post office, Knock Museum and Burkes. As this will be our primary fundraiser for the 2012-2013 school year, we would appreciate if all families could support this and purchase one ticket each. The proceeds from this event will go towards improving our school. As always we are most thankful for your continued co-operation and support.
Tesco Tokens
We will start collecting Tesco tokens again this year very shortly. Last year the tokens collected enabled us to purchase several hundred Euro worth of equipment for the school. It is very worthwhile for the School to participate in this scheme, therefore we will be most grateful for all those families who shop in Tesco to collect and send in the tokens.
Parents Association Election
Thank you to everyone who took part in the recent PA election and we would like to extend our congratulations to the parents who were elected, they were:
Rachel Salmon; Joe Neylon; Nikki Murray, Julie Eduwaye, Michael Joyce and Nicola Carty. They will join Grainne Frayne and Peter McLoughlin to form the new Parents Association.
Looking forward to a full and busy new term.