Maire Boyle
School Closure
Knock NS will be closed tomorrow (Monday 16th October) due to the Status Red Weather Warning issued by Met Eireann.
Safer Internet Day 2017
Safer Internet Day is an EU wide initiative to promote a safer internet for all users, especially young people. It is promoted in Ireland by the PDST Technology in Education and Webwise, and will be celebrated in Ireland on Tuesday 7th February 2017. The Theme this year is ‘Be the change: Unite for a better internet’.
Agreed Report
The following is the Agreed Report of the Board of Management meeting held on the 19th Ocotber 2016:
The Board of Management completed a review of Child Protection and Anti Bullying practices. Please find copies of same below
The Board of Management ratified the Assessment and Attendance policies. These are available to view under the School Policy section of the school website
Members of the Board were pleased with the recently completed fencing project. This was undertaken over the summer and has addressed safety concerns.
The Board discussed school finances and the necessity to undertake a fundraising drive over the course of this academic year 2016-2017
Red and Green Day
We will hold a Red and Green Day, next Friday, September 16th. Children are asked to dress in red and green on the day to show their support for Mayo. As this is also National Fitness Day we have lots of fun sporting activities planned for the children and staff.
Welcome Back
We want to extend a warm welcome to the new and existing members of our school community. We would like to especially welcome all our junior infants, new entrants throughout the school, and new members of staff, namely, Mrs Gorman, Ms Nally, Mr McVann, Eamon Byrne and Noel McHugh. Our special class, for children with autism, ‘The Haven’ also opened this week. We were delighted to welcome our first pupil.
Parents will be kept informed of upcoming events and developments through our school website and our monthly e-Zine. A pupil verification form, to update all contact information, will be issued shortly.
Agreed Report
The following is the agreed report of the most recent Board of Management meeting
1. The Board of Management ratified the revised enrolment policy
2. An Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) class will open in Knock National School at the beginning of the next academic year. The class will be a special class for children with autism.
3. The Board of Management was not successful in its application for Summer Works Scheme 2016. Repairs will commence shortly to the floor in the senior room which was damaged as a result of a leak.
Snow People
We made some delicious Snow People before our Christmas hoidays.