Dr Ronan Glynn, Deputy Chief Medical Officer at the Department of Health answers children’s questions on the Coronavirus
Maire Boyle
Sacrament Dates 2020
Parents, please note the following dates for First Confession and First Holy Communion
First Confession: Tuesday, 3rd March at 7.30pm
First Holy Communion: Saturday, 9th May at 11am
Report Cards
Your child will receive their end of year report card this afternoon. It will provide you with information regarding your child’s progress over the course of the past academic year. It will also contain your child’s STen score from their standardised tests in Literacy and Numeracy.
We use the Drumcondra Primary Reading Test for Literacy. This test has recently been revised in order to reflect current norms. The new tests were piloted in early 2017, and were standardised on a national sample of pupils in early 2018.
Please click on the links below to:
1. Access an information letter, from the Educational Research Centre (ERC), with regard to interpreting the results of the new test in comparison to the older Drumcondra Test.
New Drumcondra Primary Tests: Information note for Parents and Guardians
2. Access an information letter, from the NCCA, with regard to your child and standardised testing
Papal Visit
Dear Parent,
I hope that you are well and enjoying the summer break. I wish to provide you with some important information regarding the school’s involvement with the upcoming Papal visit on Sunday 26th August.
At present, it is envisaged that children will line up along the route that the Pope will take within the Shrine grounds. The proposed format is outlined below:
- Parents will bring their children through security and continue to their assigned seats. It is envisaged that parents and children will be standing/seated in an area for Knock Parish. Within this area there will be a designated section for Knock NS – this will be in front of the Confessional Chapel and directly along the Pope’s route. I have been advised that this area will be cordoned off and will be solely for the use of the children and staff of Knock NS.
- Children will remain with their parents until approximately 8.20am. Parents will be asked to bring their child/children to an assigned point between 8.20 – 8.50am and school staff will take the children into their care at this time. It is important to adhere to this time period as I understand that there will be little or no movement after 9am. The children will remain with school staff until after the Pope passes by or immediately after his departure.
Parents will be contacted closer to the time with details of a specific location, within the Shrine grounds, to hand their children over to staff, and with final arrangements regarding return of children to parents.
- All children taking part will be asked to wear their school uniform. Infant children can wear their school tracksuit. Hi-Vis vests have been purchased with the school name and mobile phone number on them. The school will be open next Wednesday, 22nd August from 11am – 1pm, for parents to collect a Hi-Vis vest for their child/children. The vest can be worn over their uniform on the day while awaiting the Pope’s arrival. Children will remove the vests before the Pope travels around the Shrine grounds.
Although this is a Parish event, and the school will be taking part, your child’s participation is optional. You will receive a further e mail closer to the date with additional information.
The school mobile number will be in use on the day, the number is 086 – 7769805.
Fundraiser – will now take place on Tuesday 13th March
Catherine Fulvio Cookery Demonstration
Our School Board of Management and Parents Association are holding A Cookery Demonstration by Celebrity TV Chef CATHERINE FULVIO on Friday, 2nd March 2018, at the McWilliam Park Hotel, Claremorris. Wine Reception begins at 7pm, with the event starting at 8pm. The evening will also include a Local Artisan Food Display and Brown Bread Competition – more details in due course. Tickets are €20 each. Proceeds will be used for our School; we are hoping to purchase new resources such as interactive whiteboards for classrooms and playground markings; with part-proceeds also going to Mayo-Roscommon Hospice. Further information is available from Joe 086 2938216 or Claire 087 7817025.
Should you like to sell more tickets, they are available from the school office at 1.50 to 2.10pm and 2.50 to 3.10pm daily; Heneghan’s Costcutter; Life Pharmacy, Knock; Mayo/Roscommon Hospice Office, Knock; Maura’s Corner Shop; John Shannon’s Butchers, Kiltimagh; Seamus Caulfield’s Shop, Ballyhaunis and The McWilliam Park Hotel, Claremorris.
Your assistance in helping with this important fundraiser for our school would be greatly appreciated.